Philosophical Foundations

The philosophical foundations of Virtual Reality (VR) are deeply rooted in the concept of presence, the sensation of "being there" within a digitally simulated environment. This is not merely a technical achievement but also a philosophical puzzle, as it challenges traditional notions of experience and reality. From a technical perspective, VR systems synthesize a convincing sensory experience by leveraging cutting-edge computer graphics, haptic feedback, and spatial audio.

The Allegory of the Cave

Reducing Reality

Computationalism and Reality

The Simulation Hypothesis


Immersive Experiences

Immersive experiences in the context of Virtual Reality (VR) are predicated on the notion of immersion as a state where the user's awareness of physical self is diminished in favor of the virtual experience. Technically, this is achieved through multimodal stimulation that engages multiple senses, creating a cohesive and convincing environment that the brain accepts as real

Cognitive Sciences and Simulation Test

Spatial Perception and Illusion in Virtual Environments

Dreaming and Full Dive VR

And Its Medium - The Metaverse

The Metaverse, a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual spaces, is the medium where cognitive sciences and simulation testing converge with unprecedented potential


On Going Pursuits

The ongoing pursuits in VR research are characterized by a blend of competition and collaboration among diverse players, from established tech giants to agile startups. These companies are not only competing to capture the market but are also laying the groundwork for a future where VR technology is omnipresent and seamlessly integrated into our daily lives.

Tech Titans

Sony VR Gaming

Meta VR (and Oculus Histories)