Snow Crash, a place where reality’s a thing to trash.

I jack in, to escape my woes to enter a world, where my imagination flows

A world of screens, filled with digital dreams

A metaverse, where all is possible My wildest dreams, within reach, and unstoppable

I’ve traded away the warmth of the sun, For the cold light of a screen, and lost the touch of a loved one,

For a digital world beams of rekindled hopes and dreams that was taken away from my bloodstream

Snow Crash, A utopia for me

A dystopia for others to see

I immerse myself, in this cyberpunk dream With neon lights, and endless screens Where digital avatars are my genes

We’re trapped in a realm, strapped by a virtual helm, where reality blurs, and our mind overwhelmed;

Snow Crash, a second life as my reality is at strife


Inspired by my favorite books - Ready Player One and Snow Crash, as I relate to the main characters very much :)

Art by Midjourney AI with an added post-processing effect